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Instance usage statistics

GET /api/admin/instance-admin/statistics

This endpoint has been deprecated and may be removed in future versions of the API.

Provides statistics about various features of Unleash to allow for reporting of usage for self-hosted customers. The response contains data such as the number of users, groups, features, strategies, versions, etc.




  • instanceId string required

    A unique identifier for this instance. Generated by the database migration scripts at first run. Typically a UUID.

  • timestamp date-time nullable

    When these statistics were produced

  • versionOSS string

    The version of Unleash OSS that is bundled in this instance

  • versionEnterprise string

    The version of Unleash Enterprise that is bundled in this instance

  • users integer

    The number of users this instance has

  • previousDayMetricsBucketsCount object

    The number client metrics buckets records recorded in the previous day. # features # apps # envs * # hours with metrics

  • enabledCount integer

    The number of enabled/disabled metrics buckets recorded in the previous day

  • variantCount integer

    The number of variant metrics buckets recorded in the previous day

  • activeUsers object

    The number of active users in the last 7, 30 and 90 days

  • last7 integer

    The number of active users in the last 7 days

  • last30 integer

    The number of active users in the last 30 days

  • last60 integer

    The number of active users in the last 60 days

  • last90 integer

    The number of active users in the last 90 days

  • productionChanges object

    The number of changes to the production environment in the last 30, 60 and 90 days

  • last30 integer

    The number of changes in production in the last 30 days

  • last60 integer

    The number of changes in production in the last 60 days

  • last90 integer

    The number of changes in production in the last 90 days

  • featureToggles integer

    The number of feature-toggles this instance has

  • projects integer

    The number of projects defined in this instance.

  • contextFields integer

    The number of context fields defined in this instance.

  • roles integer

    The number of roles defined in this instance

  • groups integer

    The number of groups defined in this instance

  • environments integer

    The number of environments defined in this instance

  • segments integer

    The number of segments defined in this instance

  • strategies integer

    The number of strategies defined in this instance

  • SAMLenabled boolean

    Whether or not SAML authentication is enabled for this instance

  • OIDCenabled boolean

    Whether or not OIDC authentication is enabled for this instance

  • clientApps object[]

    A count of connected applications in the last week, last month and all time since last restart

  • Array [
  • range string

    Possible values: [allTime, 30d, 7d]

    A description of a time range

  • count integer

    The number of client applications that have been observed in this period

  • ]
  • featureExports integer

    The number of export operations on this instance

  • featureImports integer

    The number of import operations on this instance

  • apiTokens object

    The number of API tokens in Unleash, split by type

  • admin integer

    The number of admin tokens.

  • client integer

    The number of client tokens.

  • frontend integer

    The number of frontend tokens.

  • maxEnvironmentStrategies integer

    The highest number of strategies used on a single feature flag in a single environment.

  • maxConstraints integer

    The highest number of constraints used on a single strategy.

  • maxConstraintValues integer

    The highest number of constraint values used on a single constraint.

  • sum string

    A SHA-256 checksum of the instance statistics to be used to verify that the data in this object has not been tampered with
